Current Bulletin Announcements

July 7, 2024
Important Announcements:
Happy Independence Day! God has truly blessed us with the freedoms we posses in this country. May our lives lived in praise toward our Creator show forth our true thanksgiving for all He blesses us with each and everyday!

Vacation Bible School is this week! 9-11:45am. Please be praying for the children who will be attending, that they have open hearts to hear the Gospel.

Trinity School Board would like to welcome our newest board member, Gabe Jardon and our new PK teacher, Amanda Crowther.
Trinity Angels Supply Tree - It’s like an Angel Tree, only for school supplies! Pick tags from the Christmas tree to help our students with their school supplies. The good sales will be starting soon! Please have your purchases back to the school by August 4th.

If you haven’t already, please download the church app. It’s available on the Apple and Google app stores: Search “Trinity Lutheran Alamosa.” On the app you can sign up to be a greeter, an usher, or to bring refreshments.

Christian Marriage and Family Counseling Resources: Pastor suggests Grace Point Institute @ or Cross Life Ministries -
or ReStory Counseling - 1 (855)-RESTORY, virtual Christian counseling for rural Colorado.

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Want to submit an announcement to be included in next week's bulletin ? You can do it here!

All announcements will be considered to be included in the bulletin: (If your announcement does not appear in the bulletin when you expect it to, please check with the church office for more information).